Update to my inherited Gateway: I decided since I was going to all the effort of giving my "new" PC some stonger "legs" via upgrading the memory to 3.5 GB of RAM, I noticed the motherboard had SATA ports built-in I decided to go buy a couple of Western Digital 500GB Caviar Black SATA drives. I geared up and popped of the case ready to install my new drives. I carefully removed the main fan, unplugged the preinstalled drives IDE cable and Molex power, and pulled the drive bay housing completely out for easy access. I unpacked the drive and decided that since I had never worked with SATA before it might be worth reading the included manual. I know, I know, how very unmannly of me reading directions before starting, but bear in mind I did have my system in pieces on the kitchen table :) . Browsing over to the installation page and "read" the pictures, happening to glance at the plugs in the drive, specifically noting that I saw nowhere to put a molex plug. "Hmmm, how will this fancy new drive get power?", I thought. Now, I was forced to actually read the complete page. Turns out, that had I done a little more homework I would have realized that SATA drive require specific SATA power plugs, and needless to say my little OEM PC did not come with them. So now I'm stuck waiting for the post man again for my molex to SATA connectors.
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