Dec 8, 2008

Bailout, Why not.

Banking, auto, local and state governments, and whomever else comes to the party can get a "piece of the pie".

Why not shackle ourselves, our children and our entire lineage to debt that cannot be repaid. I'm amazed about how many people (fellow citizens and news media) don't seem to realize that there in fact is no distinction in the federal government giving money to whomever and their representatives giving out THEIR money. If you only step back and look at the big picture, that is reality, they (our legislature and executive government) aren't actually spending some unending coffer of money nor are the actually signing loans for themselves.

What if for just a moment we could all realize that your and my representatives are effectively signing loans and righting checks from our accounts. Would everyone be so uninterested if suddenly their was a debit from their checking account of $30,000 dollars made payable to Henry Paulson, AIG, or General Motors. As well as getting a monthly statement for a loan of $100,000 signed by Frank Lucas, Tom Coburn, and James Inhoffe (or insert your federal legislators here) (for the record Rep. Lucas and Sen. Inhoffe both voted "no" so yea thus far).

Regardless, it boggles the mind how so many of my fellow citizens sit idly by while others recklessly spend our money!


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